


Infinite USB memory device (IUM)

Infinitec, a coorporation from Dubai, is preparing for its new product called Infinite USB memory device (IUM).
With use USB slot, unusual thing can save your data. This hardware can utilize a game consol, like PS3 and XBox, to save data. Another hardware also can save your data, like Blu-ray spinner, printer, and all hardware which have USB slot.

So, with this thing, people can save his data in all hardware. If u are interested and wanna know more bout this Infinite USB you can visit infinitec site, http://infinitec.com/.

Air Mouse

 The inovation of a mouse keep growing and growing to make its user feel more comfortable and quick in using mouse. AirMouse is a mouse with a system like a clove or in other words it can be fitted in your hands.

AirMouse used nirkabel system which is the refill battery  can be used in 1 week per charg. Way to use it is extremely easy. AirMouse also use laser system like other mouses and the optical put under your hands.
AirMouse speed and accurity is better than usual mouse. AirMouse will be launch in 6-12 months, and the price is about  US$ 129 (Rp. 1,25 juta).



"What is that?", you asked. Is that a paper? is that some kind of weird snake? or simply just an alien invading your home? No, that's a lamp. HOLY SCIENCE!

Alas, it's still in the concept stage, but you can't deny its awesomeness. This baby gadget is still being developed at the moment by Systemdesignstudio, a coorporation from the uncle sam. 

This lamp has a flexible body so you can twist it whichever you want. So you can put it on your table and form it like a snake and scare the heck of your little sister when she sees it.


The beginning of 'google'

  Google's very first Production Server

Stanford University's students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, made it for their Ph. D. Research. After completing the creation of this search engine, they decided to sell this searching technique to some big company like Yahoo, etc. As there was no one available to buy this, a company with the name 'Google' was started in 1998.

In November 1998, the Google web site started showing its face for the first time. At first, it was not possible for them to earn any significant amount of money. Sun and IBM gave a few Sun Ultra II, F50 IBM RS/6000 Servers as free donations. In 2001, Yahoo was bargaining with Google to buy it. Yahoo, without knowing the strength of a search engine, withdrew from this bargain as it thought that $5 Billion is too much money to buy a search engine.

When Google shares were released in 2004, all wondered how a web site with an empty home page having no advertisement in it was going to make money. In the first half of that year alone, Google earned $1.4 billion. Today, it is a $6.1 billion company.

Data center of this company has 450,000 servers.

Many kinds of servers are there from 533 MHz Intel Celeron to dual 1.4 GHz Intel Pentium III.

Locations: Mountain View, California, Virginia, Atlanta, Georgia, Dublin and Ireland. Finally, in 2006, a very big and very new one was established at The Dallas, Oregon.

In 2005, Google has tabulated 8 billion pages.

They run all their programs in thousands of x86 servers, in their own Linux and in their own web server. The name of their web server is GWS/2.1. That is, Google Web Server, current Version 2.1. That is, Apache's Google version.

And, here is another interesting information.

It is said that 20 megawatt electricity is needed for running all 450,000 servers. That is, Google's monthly electricity bill is $2 million.


Kabel Fiber 7.68tbps Google Ke Asia Hampir Selesai

Rencana Google menyediakan layanan Internet semakin meluas. Baru-baru ini dikabarkan Google dengan partner telekomunikasinya tengah membuat jalur kabel bawah laut yang melintasi Samudra Pasifik dan membentang dari Amerika ke Jepang, sehingga Google akan memiliki koneksi langsung ke Asia. Proyek gabungan konsorsium antara Google, Bharti Airtel, Global Transit, KDDI, Pacnet, dan Singtel ini mengadakan proyek senilai 300jt dolar untuk menyambungkan kabel fiber optik ke Jepang melalui jalur bawah laut. Beberapa bulan lagi, pengguna Asia akan segera merasakan peningkatan kecepatan internet dengan adanya kabel baru dari Google ini. Lalu berapa koneksi internet yang sanggup dilalui kabel ini? Potensi koneksi yang disalurkan kabel ini akan mencapai hingga 7.68Tbps (Terabit per detik).

Dengan adanya kabel yang menghubungkan bandwidth Google di Amerika ke Jepang, tidak tertutup kemungkinan pengguna internet Asia akan merasakan kecepatan internet yang lebih cepat dan lebih murah dari sekarang. Ini merupakan sebuah langkah awal Google untuk dapat memasarkan "Fiber To Home" di Asia. Fiber to Home kini tengah diuji coba di Amerika. Google Mengklaim bahwa koneksi Fiber To Home di Amerika nanti akan memberikan akses internet 100x lebih cepat dari yang dirasakan pengguna internet Amerika saat ini.

Pihak Google juga mengatakan bahwa Google ingin berinvestasi jangka panjang di Asia dengan memberikan kebijaksanaan pembelian koneksi bandwidth Internet ke setiap provider Internet di Asia. Provider internet hanya cukup sekali membayar layanan internet "Fiber", dan menjadi milik mereka selamanya. Ini mirip dengan membeli sebuah satelit.


samsung keluarkan laptop transparan

Prototype laptop which is transparant . This laptop will be looked hollow. How it can be?

Samsung used OLED screen to this 14 inch laptop. Its look like a laptop in several films. Though its  possible  to  make such this really high technology laptop, its still amazing. Samsung will launch debute in 12 months. Wow, seems we don't have enough patience to wait for its debute!


10 orang dengan penampilan paling unik

 1. Julia Gnuse (aka the illustrated lady)
Dia lahir dengan cacat pada kulit nya, karena itu, untuk menutupi cacat tersebut ia men tato dirinya full body

 2.Kala Kaiwi
67 piercings dan 75 % badannya di tatto mempunyai studio modifikasi tubuh di hawai.Lubang hidungnya dibesarkan 4 inchi untuk memasukan anting tersebut dan beberapa silikon implan untuk tanduk.

 3. Tom leppard
Full tatto

 4. Eric Sprague (1972)
Salah satu orang pertama yg membuat lidah bercabang.Hampir seluruh tubuhnya berwarna hijau. Di seluruh tubuhnya ditanam implan yg membuat kulitnya bersisik seperti kadal
 5. Lucky Diamond Rich

6.Pauly Unstoppable 
Lidah bercabang, lobang hidung terbesar di barat, codet di pipi, beberapa implan di kepala

 7. Rick Genest

8. Stalking Cat 
Dennis Avner modifikasi tubuh yang terdiri dari tattoos, silicon implants dimuka , pointed teeth (taring), surgically pointed ears (kuping lancip), piercings, attachable whiskers, claws, a bifurcated top lip (bibir dibelah) and even an animatronic tiger’s tail (dan ada ekor elektronik)

9. Elaine Davidson
Elaine mempunyai beberapa tato , 2500 piercings internal dan external, 500 disekitar alat kelamin (vagina). Total berat yg dibawanya karena piercing itu adalah 3Kg

10. Etienne Dumont 
kritikus seni dan kultur di geneva
Tanduk dikepalanya adah implant silikon asli



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